"Transformers: Rise of the Beasts": Film Gets Additional Cast Members
Joining them is also a US comedian
The production of "Transformers: Rise of the Beasts" keeps on making great strides. This week, two new well-known additions to the cast were introduced. On the one hand, "James Bond" actress Michelle Yeoh was presented. She has been an essential part of Hollywood for several years and has worked on numerous projects over the past years and decades. On the other hand, it was announced that US comedian Pete Davidson will take on a role in the seventh "Transformers" movie. Not only is Davidson a regular guest in various tabloids, but meanwhile he is also an actor. Frankly, he never played major roles, and he probably won't ever win an Academy Award either. Yet his fame is beyond dispute, especially since he is a full-time comedian and thus should not have any trouble with dubbing. Davidson voices the role of Autobot Mirage alias Dino who can transform into a red Ferrari 458 and who some may know from "Transformers 3". Michelle Yeoh, meanwhile, dubs the part of the quiet and self-assured Maximal Airazor. Steven Caple Jr. is in charge of directing the film, and we cannot wait to see the final outcome. The movie is planned for release on June 9, 2023.