Will Smith won't be in Matrix 5

The Hollywood star clarifies his cryptic Instagram hints

By Konstantin Koos on 3 min reading time

Will Smith in "Matrix 5"? This rumor was circulating in the film world a few weeks ago. The Hollywood star himself was the source of the rumor. Now the actor has clarified his cryptic hints of recent weeks.

Will Smith's mysterious Instagram post

At the beginning of the year, Smith's Instagram channel published a post designed entirely in Matrix style. In it, he discussed his own past with the science fiction series, among other things. The actor had turned down the role of "Matrix" protagonist Neo in the 90s. Instead, he opted for the lead role in the steampunk western "Wild Wild West". At the end of his post, Smith posed the question: What would "Matrix" have been like with him in the role of Neo?

However, we won't find out (for now) - at least not in a feature film. As it turns out, the numerous "Matrix" allusions had more to do with a music project by Smith.

Matrix-style music video

In the music video for his latest song "Beautiful Scars", the star is drawn into the Matrix world. Here, too, there are numerous allusions to the film series. Will Smith re-enacts some iconic scenes from the first film as Neo, from the question of the red or blue pill to scenes with the "bullet time" technique.

In the end, Will Smith slips into the role of Neo after all. But probably only for his music video and not for "Matrix 5".

The most iconic scenes from the Matrix films

The "Matrix" trilogy, created by the Wachowski sisters, has established itself as a milestone in pop culture. Since the first film in 1999, the series has not only shaped the world of science fiction cinema, but has also produced a number of scenes that continue to shape the film landscape to this day. Now that Will Smith has dedicated his music video to the most iconic scenes from "The Matrix", we want to take on this task too. Here we take a look at some of the most unforgettable moments from the "Matrix" films.

The "bullet time" scene

The first "bullet time" scene towards the end of the first part is probably one of the most famous in the entire trilogy. Neo (Keanu Reeves) is in the middle of a gunfight as bullets fly around him in slow motion. The camera rotates around him as he ducks with an almost supernatural elegance and the bullets pass him in slow motion. This groundbreaking technique not only revolutionized the way action scenes were staged, but also shaped the visual understanding of "time" in films. "Bullet time" immediately became an unmistakable trademark of the "Matrix" films and found its way into numerous other films and media.

The red pill or the blue pill?

A key moment in the story of the Matrix trilogy is when Morpheus (Laurence Fishburne) gives Neo (Keanu Reeves) the choice of taking the red pill or the blue pill. The red pill would reveal the truth to him and free him from the "Matrix", while the blue pill would allow him to continue living in the false reality without knowing what is really going on.

Neo versus Agent Smith

There are several intense battles in the first "Matrix" film, but the showdown between Neo and Agent Smith (Hugo Weaving) remains special. The moment when Neo awakens to his true strength and begins to confront the agents with superhuman speed and power is one of the most significant scenes. The famous "clone scene", in which Agent Smith appears in countless copies of himself to fight Neo, should also not go unmentioned here.

The highway chase

The highway chase in "Matrix Reloaded" is one of the most spectacular action sequences in the entire trilogy and is a prime example of the Wachowski sisters' staging. Neo, Trinity and Morpheus are on the highway in a dramatic chase when they are pursued by agents and the twins. The scene is characterized by its impressive choreography, which seamlessly combines real stunts with digital effects. For many, the highway chase is one of the highlights of the otherwise controversially received sequels.