The Flash main actor is unhappy with the directors
Ezra Miller explains his change requests for the upcoming solo film
Despite the fact that the new The Flash solo film has been in production for quite some time, rumors have spread in the past that lead actor Ezra Miller has some disagreements with the two directors as well as the production of the script. main reason for this is that the two directors John Francis Daley and Jonathan Goldstein want to continue in the more humorous direction which they have taken since Aquaman, while Miller wants The Flash to have a serious and dark atmosphere. Since both sides haven't come to an agreement yet, Miller has taken the initiative and wrote together with comic book writer Grant Morrison, his own screenplay version, which will be presented next week. For Warner there is a lot on the line, after all Ezra could leave the studio in May due to his contract coming to an end if they decide against his version. Warner would then have to either look for a new cast or cancel the project completely. So it remains exciting how the studio will decide, because there seems to be much more to it than just the script.