28 Years Later: Cillian Murphy Returns in his Role!

Murphy will also be working as a producer

by Jonas Reichel on May 24, 2024

There's not a week without new "28" news: after much speculation, it's now certain that Cillian Murphy will reprise his role of Jim in the eagerly awaited sequel "28 Years Later".

Murphy, who already played the lead role in the original film "28 Days Later", had expressed his interest in working with director Danny Boyle on another installment of the "28" series several times in the past. An official announcement had yet to be made.

In an interview with Deadline, Sony Pictures CEO Thomas Rothman has now confirmed that Cillian Murphy will be returning in his role as well as his function as a producer. This is to happen in a "surprising way" – what exactly he means by this remains unclear for the time being. It could of course be that we learn more about Jim after the events of part 1. Then again, it may only be a cameo appearance.

Danny Boyle will direct "28 Years Later", while Alex Garland will write the screenplay. The movie will premiere on June 20, 2025.