New MCU Series about Vision with Paul Bettany

The idea for the Marvel series had been floating around for some time

by Tom Hartig on May 22, 2024

After "Agatha All Along", the next MCU series based on the events of "WandaVision" is now being planned. And once again, there will be the return of a character who actually died several years ago in "Avengers: Infinity War".

We are talking about the android Vision, who will again be played by Paul Bettany in the upcoming series. In "WandaVision", the character was brought back to life by his beloved Wanda as a kind of magical ghost without memory, but was eventually released from its service. The new series will now explore how the character will carry on after these odd events.

The showrunner will be Terry Matalas, who was recently in charge of "Star Trek: Picard" and made a big impression on the Marvel management team with his achievements there. According to a report by Variety, the "Vision" project is set to premiere on Disney+ in 2026. The idea for the series had already been discussed in the past - but at the time, showrunner Jac Schaeffer decided to move on to the alternative spin-off project "Agatha All Along", which will premiere on Disney+ on September 18, 2024.

Image of New MCU X-Men Movie, Pirates of the Caribbean Spin-Off, Jurassic World 4