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In cinemas starting July 2, 2025
Jurassic World Rebirth (2025)
A movie starring Scarlett Johansson, Mahershala Ali and Jonathan Bailey
Five years after the events of Jurassic World Dominion, covert operations expert Zora Bennett is contracted to lead a skilled team on a top-secret mission to secure genetic material from the world's three most massive dinosaurs ... (more)
All the Little Animals (1999)
A movie starring John Hurt, Christian Bale and Daniel Benzali
An emotionally challenged young man named Bobby runs away from home in order to escape his abusive stepfather who has killed his pets. He meets an old man, Mr. Summers, who spends his time traveling and giving burials to animals that have been killed by cars. Bobby, also having an affinity for animals, becomes friends with the old man and aids him in his task.
No Beast. So Fierce
A movie starring Kenda Hmeidan, Hiam Abbass and Verena Altenberger
In the aftermath of a bloody gang war, the youngest daughter of the victorious Arab clan begins to plot against the men of her family. She kills brothers, nephews, friends and enemies, until she is the undisputed boss of the Berlin underworld. But on her path to the top, she has made powerful enemies...
Elysium (2013)
A movie starring Matt Damon, Jodie Foster and Sharlto Copley
Science Fiction, Action & Drama • 66% like the movie
In the year 2159, two classes of people exist: the very wealthy who live on a pristine man-made space station called Elysium, and the rest, who live on an overpopulated, ruined Earth. Secretary Rhodes, a hard line government official, will stop at nothing to enforce anti-immigration laws and preserve the luxurious lifestyle of the citizens of Elysium ... (more)
Captain Phillips (2013)
A movie starring Tom Hanks, Catherine Keener and Max Martini
The true story of Captain Richard Phillips and the 2009 hijacking by Somali pirates of the US-flagged MV Maersk Alabama, the first American cargo ship to be hijacked in two hundred years.