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In cinemas starting June 6, 2025
From the World of John Wick: Ballerina (2025)
An action movie starring Ana de Armas, Keanu Reeves and Ian McShane
Explore the thrilling journey of a former ballerina turned contract killer in "Ballerina," a gripping spin-off of the "John Wick" universe. Witness her quest for revenge set between the events of the third and fourth installments.
Companion (2025)
A science fiction movie starring Sophie Thatcher, Jack Quaid and Lukas Gage
Hey you. Tired of swiping? Sick of getting ghosted? Are you feeling like a part of you is missing? FindYourCompanion.com is guaranteed to find you a Companion who’s made for you.
Alarum (2025)
A thriller starring Scott Eastwood, Willa Fitzgerald and Sylvester Stallone
After the CIA discovers the whereabouts of two rogue spies, who have not only gone off-grid but have become husband and wife, all hell is unleashed on their winter honeymoon cabin resort in the woods by a consortium of international spy organizations who are after a ‘flight pill’, aka a hard drive, and all of whom suspect the two may have joined a network of rogue spies known as the Alarum, ... (more)
Eden (2025)
A rated R thriller starring Jude Law, Sydney Sweeney and Ana de Armas
In a turbulent time, various people are searching for a new life on the uninhabited Galápagos island of Floreana. Conflicts, power games and dangerous vanities between the characters escalate and lead to unexpected twists and turns. A gripping drama about humanity and the struggle for survival.
In cinemas since March 28, 2025
A Working Man (2025)
An rated R action movie starring Jason Statham, David Harbour and Michael Peña
Levon Cade has left his profession behind him to go ‘straight’ and work in construction. He wants to live a simple life and be a good father to his daughter. But when his boss’s teenage daughter Jenny vanishes, he’s called upon to re-employ the skills that made him a legendary figure in the shadowy world of black ops ... (more)
Available on-demand starting March 24, 2025
Gator Creek (2025)
A horror movie starring Elisha Applebaum, Madalena Aragão and David Newman
Vacation turns to disaster when Houston graduate Kyle and her friends survive a plane crash in the desolate Louisiana bayou, only to discover there's something infinitely more dangerous lurking in the shallows…a pack of primordial, highly-evolved American alligators.