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An independent film
The earth lies fallow, clean air no longer exists. Dense smog darkens the sky. Everyday life is determined by the constant wearing of a breathing mask, as well as a heavy oxygen tank. People work in factories to be paid with oxygen. This is also the case for Gahl, who also has to take care of his walking-impaired father ... (more)
A comedy movie
PIT is the romantic gangster comedy from the Ruhr area. Jay is the guy for rough business. Actually he has a heart. It just doesn't beat for the scum he's allowed to dispose of for good money. His creative approach to making people or things disappear makes him a sought-after man in the Pott. The language there is very direct, but above all one he understands ... (more)
Testing (2017)
A horror movie
Dr Melissa Stereo races to find the cure to a new disease that is starting to drastically affect life in the southern United States. Along with her husband Nelson and son Emile They race to stop a national crisis before it starts. But with the disease's origins looming in the government, that may be easier said then done.