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In cinemas starting March 28, 2025
A Working Man (2025)
A movie starring Jason Statham, David Harbour and Michael Peña
Levon Cade has left his profession behind him to go ‘straight’ and work in construction. He wants to live a simple life and be a good father to his daughter. But when his boss’s teenage daughter Jenny vanishes, he’s called upon to re-employ the skills that made him a legendary figure in the shadowy world of black ops ... (more)
In cinemas starting January 20, 2026
Aang: The Last Airbender (2026)
A movie starring Dante Basco
A sequel to the animated series Avatar: The Last Airbender. The film will follow Avatar Aang and his friends after the events of the original series. Plot unknown.
The Karate Kid (2010)
A movie starring Jaden Smith, Jackie Chan and Taraji P. Henson
Twelve-year-old Dre Parker could have been the most popular kid in Detroit, but his mother's latest career move has landed him in China. Dre immediately falls for his classmate Mei Ying but the cultural differences make such a friendship impossible. Even worse, Dre's feelings make him an enemy of the class bully, Cheng ... (more)
Available on February 14, 2025 since AppleTV+
The Gorge (2025)
A movie starring Miles Teller, Anya Taylor-Joy and Sigourney Weaver
Two highly-trained operatives are appointed to posts in guard towers on opposite sides of a vast and highly classified gorge, protecting the world from an undisclosed, mysterious evil that lurks within. They bond from a distance while trying to stay vigilant in defending against an unseen enemy. When the cataclysmic threat to humanity is revealed to them, they must work together in a test of both their physical and mental strength to keep the secret in the gorge before it’s too late.
A movie starring Shaina West, Mickey Rourke and Katherine McNamara
Jade presents the story of a woman who comes between a powerful businessman and a gang leader in their search for a hard drive that could damage the operations of Interpol. Despite grieving for the brother she accidentally killed, the woman is required to use her unique set of skills to retrieve the drive and protect her brother's unborn child being carried by another woman.
In cinemas starting July 2, 2025
Jurassic World Rebirth (2025)
A movie starring Scarlett Johansson, Mahershala Ali and Jonathan Bailey
Five years after the events of Jurassic World Dominion, covert operations expert Zora Bennett is contracted to lead a skilled team on a top-secret mission to secure genetic material from the world's three most massive dinosaurs ... (more)