Image of Streakers
Poster of Streakers



Original title (Language) Flitzer (de)

Genres Comedy

Runtime 90 minutes

Release dates

Theaters October 12, 2017


In the hope of solving his financial difficulties, Balz Näf (53) a German teacher, living in the town of Baden (Switzerland), comes up with the idea to use streakers for sport-betting. Although he and his team help streaking achieve a new trend-sport status, his financial situation remains unchanged. On the contrary. He falls in love with the agent who has been hired to stop him. In the end there is only one way out: He has to be a man’s man and get on the field himself.


Original title (Language) Flitzer (de)

Genres Comedy

Runtime 90 minutes

Release dates

Theaters October 12, 2017

Videos for Streakers

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