Image of Träum weiter!
Poster of Träum weiter!

Träum weiter!


Runtime 97 minutes


Joy, Van Bo, Line, Carl-Heinrich and Günther are starting personal revolutions, sometimes bigger, sometimes smaller. They have set their minds on giving their lives a new direction and breaking through common thought patterns. While one dreams of her children growing up without school, the other wants to be among the first to colonize the planet Mars. They are fantasists, idealists, pioneers - and they all have one thing in common: they have decided for themselves that self-discovery only works if you stop putting off goals and finally summon up the courage to live your dream. Wanting to change your own reality is one thing. And probably easier said than done. But letting go, finding yourself and pursuing your vision is, as it soon becomes clear, a path that never ends...


Runtime 97 minutes

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