Darren White
Promising premise with poor execution yielding a dumb, boring movie. Drag Me to Hell or Thinner are better gypsy curse movies. But this one isn't sure if it's a curse movie, a werewolf movie, a vampire movie or The Strain on TV. The terrifying part is the 75% on Rotten Tomatoes. Ugh.

Shaun McCarthy
Stupid to the point of being nearly unwatchable. The atmosphere and costume design are the only positive aspects of this movie. I made it about 15 minutes into this before I shut it off. Shiny teeth just aren't scary.

Shanley McCray
Impresionante película de principio a fin. Me gusta mucho la historia y los personajes. Impresionante con algunos momentos realmente aterradores, si eres fanático de las buenas películas de terror, esta es una que no te puedes perder