Image of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker


Release dates

Theaters December 20, 2019


Following the threat posed by Emperor Palpatine's unexpected return, Kylo Ren sets out to find a Sith wayfinder, leading him to the mysterious planet Exegol. Little does he know that Palpatine is the hidden force behind Snoke and the First Order, and he unveils the Final Order, an immense fleet of Sith Star Destroyers. With a mission to eliminate Jedi-in-training Rey, under the guidance of Resistance leader Leia Organa, Kylo Ren becomes even more determined to track her down.

Rey, along with her loyal companions Finn, Poe, Chewbacca, BB-8, and C-3PO, embark on a perilous journey to discover a wayfinder, beginning their search on the planet Pasaana, where they stumble upon a crucial clue. As they encounter obstacles along the way, including unexpected encounters with Kylo Ren and his fierce army of Knights of Ren, they begin to piece together the breadcrumbs left behind by a Sith assassin named Ochi. In the process, Rey also uncovers the truth about her own lineage, as well as haunting visions of her parents' tragic fate.

Their quest takes them to Kijimi, where they gather vital information and undertake a daring rescue mission to free Chewbacca. As the plot thickens, the revelation of a spy within the First Order, General Hux, adds further complexity to their already challenging mission. With the help of renegade stormtroopers led by Jannah, the Resistance grows stronger and ultimately heads towards the Endor system.

A climactic encounter between Rey and Kylo takes place on a moon within the Endor system, leading to a profound revelation about Rey's true identity. As events unfold, the tragic death of Leia has a profound impact on both Rey and Kylo. Armed with Leia's lightsaber, Rey confronts Palpatine on Exegol. Meanwhile, the Resistance launches an all-out attack, and the unexpected emergence of Ben Solo, Kylo Ren's true self, sees him joining forces with Rey against Palpatine. The ultimate climax is reached when Rey faces Palpatine.


Release dates

Theaters December 20, 2019

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